If you wish to launch to a higher altitude than 250,000-feet AGL or higher total impulse than 200,000-pound-seconds, which FAR currently offers, you will need to file for a new Certificate of Authorization (COA) with the FAA. This requires you to fill out an FAA Form 1177 and supply information about your launch as required in 14CFR101.29.
We have supplied a link to the FAA Form 1177 and to the information required in 14CFR101.29.
What you need to do is the following:
- Fill out an FAA form 7711 requesting a launch date.
- You do not need to fill out anything that looks like something for an airshow, and you are not waiving any of the FAA requirements.
- In box 6 write: None. Authorized Regulations by section and title: CFR101.25(f)
- In box 7 write the following:
- Activity: Launch and recover of Class 3-- Advanced High-Power Rockets in compliance with 14 CFR Part 101.
- Altitude: Surface to XXX,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL), YYY,000 (MSL - 2,000 feet) feet Above Ground Level (AGL).
- Launch Site: Friends of Amateur Rocketry property site: 7 NM radius of the EDW 336° radial at 23 NM, EDW336023, Latitude 35°21'12"N, Longitude 117°48'25.80"W;
- Time: Sunrise-Sunset
- In box 8 write: See Above.
- In box 9a write: Begin launch date.
- In box 9b write: End launch date.
- In box 17: Date and Sign
- Create a PDF document of the FAA Form 1177. The FAA does not need Page 1.
- Create a PDF document containing information required by 14CFR101.29, both (a) Class 2 and (b) Class 3.
- Write an e-mail to: <[email protected]> explaining who you are and that you are requesting a new COA.
- Attach both PDF documents (FAA Form 7711 and 14CFR101.29).
- Send the e-mail.